Duw cadw f'enaid bach o hyd
Duw cadw fy enaid bach o hyd

1,2,3,4,5,(6);  1,(2),3,7,8;  1,2,3,7,8,9,11,12;  1,2,3,7,9,10.
(Gweddi am gynnaliaeth)
Duw cadw f'enaid bach o hyd
  Uwchlaw y byd a'i ddrygau;
Gan lwyr ddibrisio
    ei boen a'i wae,
  Ei drallod a'i gystuddiau.

Fel na bwy'n gwrando ar ei dwrf,
  Ei gynhwrf a'i ruadau;
Ond teithio'r llwybr cul bob cam,
  A meddwl am fy nghartre.

Heb gyfeiliorni ar un llaw,
  Nes myn'd tu draw'r Iorddonen,
At seintiau filoedd ar y byd,
  Sy'n awr i gyd yn llawen.

Ni ddaw i ran y cyfryw rai
  Nac och, na gwae, nac angeu;
'Rhaid yfed dyfroedd Mara mwy,
  'Nol myned trwy'r Iorddonen.

Lle dderfydd byth
    eu poen a'u gwae,
  Eu trallod a'u cystuddiau,
Caent ganu yn y nef mewn hedd,
  Uwch cyrhaedd eu gofidiau.

Rhyfelant ā gelynion gād,
  Trwy rinwedd
      gwaed eu Capten;
Concwerant lladdant ar bob llaw,
  Nes myn'd tu draw'r Iorddonen.

Yn gorphwys yn y Ganaan bur,
  Preswylfa'r gwir dduwiolion,
Tir yr addewid hyfryd draw,
  Gwlad lle nas daw gelynion.

Gorphwysfa dawel, deg, ddi-stŵr,
  Sydd yno i'r gŵr lluddedig;
Afonydd gloyw, pur, di-drai,
  I ddiodi'r rhai sychedig.

Ac yno mae fy Mrenin mawr
  Yn daer yn awr yn eiriol,
Gan bledio ei angau ddydd  nos,
  Yn ffyddlon dros ei bobol.

Angylion, saint, seraffiaid pur
  Yn llawn o wir ddisgleirdeb,
A chyn bo hir caf fynd o'm pla
  I'w plith i dragwyddoldeb.

O Iesu! fy Ngwaredwr llawn,
  Fy Iawn a'm Prynedigaeth;
Trwy'th angau dis fy ngwared ca',
  O uffern a marwolaeth.

Gad im', Dywysog mawr dy fri,
  I fod āthi mewn undeb;
Ac eistedd yn dy wleddoedd braf,
  Hyd eithaf tragwyddoldeb.
f'enaid bach :: f'enaid i
brisio'i boen :: brisio ei boen
Ond teithio :: Gan deithio
seintiau filoedd ar :: saint flinasant ar
Lle dderfydd :: Fe dderfydd
nas daw :: ni ddaw
gloyw :: gloywon
bledio ei :: ddadleu'i

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ann's (<1835)
Capel Cynon (Hugh Jones 1749-1825)
Dominus Regit Me (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Dymuniad (R H Williams [Corfanydd] 1805-76)
Eidduned (John R Jones 1765-1822)
Gorphwysfa (John R Jones 1765-1822)
Neuadd Las (John T Rees 1857-1949)
Padarn (John Roberts 1822-77)
Wiltshire (George T Smart 1776-1867)

  Blwyddyn y carcharorion caeth
  O Iesu fy Ngwaredwr llawn

(Prayer for upholding)
God, keep my little soul always
  Above the world and its evils;
While completely disdaining
    its pain and its woe,
  Its trouble and its afflictions.

That I be not listening to its din,
  Its tumult and its roarings;
But travel the narrow path every step,
  And think about my home.

Without straying on either hand,
  Until going beyond the Jordan,
To thousands of saints on the world,
  Who are now all in joy.

There will not come to such
  Either grief, or woe, or death;
Any more need to drink the waters of Mara,
  After going through the Jordan.

Where fade forever shall their pain
    and their woe,
  Their trouble and their afflictions,
They will get to sing in heaven in peace,
  Above the reach of their griefs.

They wage at war with an army of enemies,
  Through the merit
      of their Captain's blood;
The conquer, they slay on every hand,
  Until going beyond the Jordan.

Resting in the pure Canaan,
  The true residence of the godly,
The delightful land of promise yonder,
  A land where no enemy comes.

A quiet, fair, undisturbed resting-place,
  Which is there for the exhausted man;
Clear, pure, unebbing rivers,
  For the thirsty ones to drink.

And my great King is there,
  Fervently now interceding,
While pleading his death day and night,
  Faithfully for his people.

Angels, saints, pure seraphim
  Full of true radiance,
And before long I may go from my plague
  Amongst them to eternity.

O Jesus! my full Deliverer,
  My Surety and my Redemption;
Through thy death I get delivered,
  From hell and mortality.

Let me, Prince of great renown,
  To be with thee in unity;
And sit in thy good feasts,
  Until the end of eternity.
my little soul :: my soul
But travel :: While travelling
Where fade forever shall :: Fade forever shall

tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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